Women’s Bible Study Lifegroup is going virtual! We are using Zoom as an alternative to meeting in person during this time of social distancing.
We will be studying “The Best Yes” by Lysa TerKeurst. This 7-week study begins on March 23rd.
Monday nights @ 7 pm
You will need to purchase “The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands” by Lysa Terkeurst – study guide/workbook available on Amazon, Lifeway, TheBestYes.com, Barnes and Nobles, and ChristianBook.com. Approximately $10 and available in Kindle.
Books will be needed beginning March 30th. The first week will be getting to know each other and how to navigate the study groups.
Contact women@crossroadsarl.org to receive the Zoom invitation link!