Parents Night Out
August 18th from 5:30-8:30PM Parents enjoy a night out and kid enjoy a night of fun in a safe environment! $10/child if RSVP $15/child at the door Contact the Kids Ministry team for more information!
August 18th from 5:30-8:30PM Parents enjoy a night out and kid enjoy a night of fun in a safe environment! $10/child if RSVP $15/child at the door Contact the Kids Ministry team for more information!
August 3rd from 6-10PM Join us for the Young Adults LIFE GROUP BRING (or wear) SWIMSUIT, TOWEL & A FRIEND! 6pm Food & Hangout 7pm Life Discussion (in the pool) 8pm Movie
August 18th from 10AM-2PM Joins us for a fun day! -$10 for admission -Sign up in foyer or with Travis Brubaker -Bring a picnic lunch -Drinks and snacks provided! Burger’s Lake is a 30-acre park featuring a one-acre spring-fed lake for swimming. Our facility includes: